TIR4KRS v1.0.0.0 Beta
(c) JSJ 2007 - 2009
for KUJU's Rail Simulator 1, v1.1.0.0 (Mk1) & v1.2.0.0 (Mk2), (Euro releasted) (c) Kuju/EA/RSDL


August 6, 2009:
TrackIR Support for KUJU Rail Simulator 1 has been Released:

* Automatic Detecting and Support for NaturalPoint's TrackIR Unit 4 & 5 in KRS Cab, HeadOut & Passenger View

* Double click right mouse button to reset the TrackIR to Front of View (same as via TrackIR software default Key F12)

* Double click middle mouse button for shift between 3D/2D (e.g Zoom closer to the Red Signal)

Known Issues:

In the END of the installing of TIR4KRS (after clicking on EXIT) you should see a little popup menu (TIR4KRS-Conf.exe) where you can change the setups, (stored in TIR4KRS.INI)
but sometimes hidded back other programs :(

Temp. Solution: Minimize programs before installing TIR4KRS and remember to "Save and Exit" TIR4KRS Conf. prg. before running KRS, so KRS don't have any problems with reading TIR4KRS.INI

Keyboard KEY1 problems(?) Sometime when I start KRS and try to go in the Cabview KEY1 seems dead

My solution: Pressed Key2 or Key3, then should Key1 work

Out of Sync. when shifting from Cabview to Headout and vise verse

Solution: Try to look straight forward and then press Key12 (default) or double click on right mouse Button

DUAL BOOT: The installer program I'm using (Install Creator) can get "confuse" about where to find Rail Simulator's root and \Plugins\
maybe only at local problem because I have installed KRS at C:\... and G:\... for test with XP & VISTA / Win 7U RC (7100)

Solution: I will upload zipped version TIR4KRS.ZIP for downloading if requested

Maybe problem with the double click on middle & right mouse buttons, Try again


TIR4KRS do not support TrackIR's TILT moving

TIR4KRS does NOT support the new train sim. RailWorks (Rail Simulator 2)


Be aware this MOD is a homemade work, and I am NOT a profession programmer, have make it for own pleasure, (but hope you also can use it, of course)

Have only been tested at very few Pc's, under WinXP Home SP1 & 3 (Danish) WinXP US SP3, VISTA SP1 (Danish) Win7 RC1 (US) with TrackIR 5th. Generations Hardware & Software

v5.0 Beta 05 B or later, requsted!

And I am sure you can find some bugs in this MOD (will try to fix them later)

I do NOT take any responsibility for lost Computer data


TrackIR Support for Rail Simulator1 (TIR4KRS1000-Install.exe)

3 to 5 Dollars is just fine

Other projects: TIR4RW2 GPLshift


Just run TIR4KRS1000-Install.exe and following the INSTALLER programs guide there should point to C:\Program Files\Rail Simulator\ dir. where the files TIR4KRS.INI, TIR4KRS-ReadMe.txt TIR4KRS-Conf.exe will be stored, and the TIR4KRS.RSP goes to \Plugins\ dir.

Run TIR4KRS-Conf.exe if you want to (Re)configure options in TIR4KRS.INI, e.g. change the LOOK LEFT/RIGHT maximum moving (between 20 & 180 degrees)

Remember to install NaturaPoint's TrackIR software version 5.0 Beta 05 B or later, requsted!


Just delete the TIR4KRS.RSP file in Rail Simulator's \Plugins\ dir. (no KRS files has been Patched under earlier installation)

Run TIR4KRS1000-Install.exe again, Warning: your present TIR4KRS.INI configuration will be overwrited with default setup

This MOD has NOT been created by KURU/RSDL so DON'T contact them about it, go instead to my FORUM, if you have question, comment, etc.:



DEMO 5: 1440 Special Express (Inter-City 125), The Need For Speed (640x480) 469kbps 823kbps

DEMO 6: DB BR101 Express, Hagen to Siegen (768x576) 1311kbps

DEMO 7: 0655 InterRegio Special (DB BR294), Wagen Hunt (640x480) 640kbps

Sorry for my english

Feb 17, 2011